
I see the Tree
not necessarily because i have the power to
but perhaps because It permits me to
I feel Its energy
Its treeness so completely treeness
allowing Spirit to reach out from It
or being in such a Way as provides Spirit pure access
and so,
I hear Its voice
I feel Its sacredness
I sense Its harmony -
I stand in awe...
then kneel
one hand on the ground
head bowed
acknowledging the sacred
in the Tree
of the Tree
letting the energy wash over me
clearing, cleansing, combing, brushing out the snarls
detoxifying, unplugging, unraveling my knots
until I am no more or less than the Tree
and, yet, still Me.


I have climbed up from Its roots
I have climbed Yggdrasil from her roots
The roots that live in this world
That provide transit, that provide a path and portal
To this transfiguration and transformation
Climbing up her roots
Until I burst forth like a cypress knee
Into the beingness of a new world.


the runes affirm me: 'answer' 'strange one comes' 'yggdrasil'


Meeting the Strange One